Sticker shock

Parents with children who recently graduated from a Virginia public college are both proud and fortunate. Tuition and fees at Virginia’s state colleges remained stable the past eight years, but now those bills are coming due. With a new fall semester set to begin next month around the Old Dominion, it has been reported that…

Privacy rights upheld

A law branding one class of persons as criminal solely based on the state’s moral disapproval of that class and the conduct associated with that class runs contrary to the values of the Constitution. -Justice Sandra Day O’Connor On June 26, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that consenting adults have the right to engage…

City approves Mexico Lindo’s dance permit with provisions

The Manassas City Council approved dance permits for three local establishments Monday night, including Mexico Lindo, 8630 Mathis Ave., which had its liquor license suspended for five days in March 2002. The council voted 4-0 to also approve permits for Tommy’s Place, 8910 Mathis Ave., and Maxwell’s Pupasaria, 9043 Liberia Ave. Councilmen Robert Oliver and…