McCoart to expand to fit staff

Prince William’s central county complex, outgrown long ago by the county staff, will be doubled in size by a $27.8 million expansion over the next 18 months. The 100,000-square-foot building will be located behind the McCoart Administration Center with the intention of creating a plaza between McCoart and the Owens Building. The parking spaces behind…

Let the sun shine in

Gov. Mark Warner hosted the first meeting of the commonwealth’s Tax Reform Commission yesterday, laying out only generalized goals for revamping Virginia’s outdated, 88-year-old tax code. Warner met with 10 lawmakers from the commission to discuss changes, including revising the tax brackets, local taxing authority and the extension of sales taxes to services. With all…

Let the sun shine in

Gov. Mark Warner hosted the first meeting of the commonwealth’s Tax Reform Commission yesterday, laying out only generalized goals for revamping Virginia’s outdated, 88-year-old tax code. Warner met with 10 lawmakers from the commission to discuss changes, including revising the tax brackets, local taxing authority and the extension of sales taxes to services. With all…