Fatal traffic accidents triple this year in Prince William County

The number of fatal accidents occurring in Prince William County from January to May is almost three times that of the same period in 2002, county police said Thursday. Fourteen deaths in 13 accidents are predominantly the result of speeding, failure to wear a seat belt and driving while intoxicated, according to a press release….

Campaign finances disclosed

Larry D. Williams, a Republican seeking the at-large nomination for Prince William County supervisor on Tuesday, has contributed $5,000 to the campaign of Democratic Sheriff E. Lee Stoffregen. Incumbent Supervisors’ Chairman Sean T. Connaughton, who Williams wants to unseat in the primary, and Stoffregen have been involved in a two-year struggle over funding of the…

Coles candidates compare their slow-growth agendas

Day in and day out, they’ve become a regular sight throughout Prince William County’s Coles District, wearing their matching blue polo shirts and ball caps. They’ve climbed over February snow drifts and muddled through May rainstorms, banging on the doors of countless residents, handing out refrigerator magnets as they talk about the need to preserve…