Powell sent to death row

Sept. 2 is the day on which Paul Warner Powell must dwell from his cell at Sussex I State Prison. It is the scheduled day for his execution. Powell was sentenced to death in Prince William Circuit Court on Thursday, the second time he has faced the death penalty. “In my opinion, the position he’s…

Food drive to benefit SERVE

Paper or plastic. It doesn’t matter to the National Association of Letter Carriers. All they care about is collecting as many bags of groceries as they can on their routes this weekend. The letter carriers, better known as mailmen and women, will hold a food drive this Saturday to benefit Action in the Community Through…

Plan lacks flexibility, say firms

Developers outnumbered citizens at a public hearing Tuesday and came with the message that proposed development standards are not flexible enough for the market and varying environmental factors. Their concerns were over changes to Prince William’s comprehensive land-use plans that are before the county planning commission. A citizens’ advisory committee forwarded its recommendations to the…

Beware of holiday fires

Did you know Thanksgiving holiday fires cause more property damage and claim more lives than residential structure fires on any other day? Or that cooking is by far the leading cause of residential structure fires during the Thanksgiving holiday? Last week, this column reminded readers that practicing cooking safety can prevent fires and unnecessary injuries…