Strangler found guilty

Steve Frederick Walshaw, 40, was found guilty of first-degree murder Tuesday afternoon by a jury that recommended a life sentence. There was a collective gasp from on-looking friends and family members as the verdict was announced. While the defense agreed that Walshaw, of 9324 Woodlea Court, Manassas, had strangled his live-in girlfriend Jan. 23, they…

Leading by example

The style of the House leadership is a little more free than last year with Stafford Delegate William J. Howell, R-28th District, at the helm. In the first three days of session last week, Howell took his first swings of the gavel in presiding over the 100-member body without the authoritative discipline of his predecessor,…

Sniper hunt cost county $426K, police chief says

The sniper investigation cost Prince William County $426,000 in police overtime, officials told the Board of County Ssupervisors Tuesday. Prince William County, along with many other Northern Virginia and Maryland jurisdictions, put extra officers on the streets, cancelled leave and participated in a regional task force trying to catch the sniper in October. The county…