November 12, 2006

November 12, 2006 • How Dramatic!: A Democratic Takeover? It Wasn’t That Hard to Predict LARRY SABATO • Monumental Collapse: Tuesday’s Elections in Virginia Hold Messages for Both Parties ROBERT HOLSWORTH • The Allen Fallout: The GOP Could Consider Cutting Assembly Session JEFF E. SCHAPIRO • To Bush’s Surprise: Election Produced Shock and Awe — for GOP… | Op/Ed Page

November 12, 2006 • Southern Home: Bill Styron, Virginian JAMES L.W. WEST III • Random Walk: Planets by the Billions, a Noose for Saddam, Etc. ROSS MACKENZIE November 11, 2006 • A Veterans Day Reflection: Citizen Warriors Answer Nation’s Call SAM WILSON JR. • Remembering a Friend: Ed Bradley Was a Gift to Journalism ROBERTA OSTER SACHS…