Manassas Journal Messenger |

Bracing for BRAC: Base Realignment and Closure Local bases safe from BRAC Evidence indicates that Fort Belvoir and Quantico are safe from federal cuts. Online extras: BRAC timeline – BRAC selection criteria ‘Crunch time’ for bases Gov. Warner urged members of the Virginia Commission on Military Bases to employ personal contacts as the Pentagon prepares…

Manassas Journal Messenger |

Selma: March into History Forty years ago,  thousands of marchers trekked from Selma to Montgomery, Ala., to demand that African-Americans be permitted to vote. Because of their courage and sacrifices, the South – indeed the nation – was transformed. The Voting Rights act that grew out of that bloody march comes up for renewal in two years. The Manassas… | Entertainment

Scoop on best tourist spots With the Labor Day weekend approaching, the Washington, D.C., region will be over run with tourists, travelers and visitors. Get the best ideas for things to do from local residents. More… Winners announced in photo contest The Potomac News & Manassas Journal Messenger’s first Charity Photo Contest has raised $1000…