Martial arts instructor enters plea in stabbing of wife

Frank Lewis Roper, 38, entered an Alford plea Monday morning in the stabbing of his estranged wife, Renita Hills, 39, in Prince William Circuit Court. Roper, of 14626 Bakersfield Street, Woodbridge, was originally charged with attempted murder and aggravated malicious wounding. Monday, the aggravated charge was reduced to malicious wounding. Roper attacked his wife in…

Counting down to war

Pat Kravitz says war proponents are draping themselves in the flag and it’s almost as if you’re against the war, you’re not an American. “At least I’m a thinking American, and I’m not about to be bulldozed,” said the Lorton woman who takes her grandson to school in Prince William. As for her patriotism, she…

Hill to run against sheriff

Regional jail superintendent Col. Glen Hill declared Friday night he is running for Prince William County sheriff, ending weeks of speculation. The announcement came at the county Republican’s annual Lincoln-Reagan dinner in Manassas, eclipsing the night’s mainliner Ralph Reed, a political consultant who became a national figure directing the Christian Coalition. “Tonight I am announcing…